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Shabu Fondue – Asian fondue with lots of vegetables

shabu shabu fondue - asian fondue with vegetables

This Shabu fondue recipe is inspired by the real Shabu Shabu I’ve had in Asia. There are many variations to the Shabu style of cooking, including beef, chicken, pork, and seafood versions.

The vegetable fondue recipe presented here is suitable for all vegetarians as it does not contain any meat or meat products.

Shabu Fondue Recipe with Vegetables in Broth

1500 ml(6 cups)Vegetable Stock
5Green Onions, Thinly Sliced
15 ml(1 tbsp)Fresh Ginger, Grated
2Garlic Cloves, Crushed
1Red Chili Pepper, Seeded and Thinly Sliced
60 ml(4 tbsp)Japanese Soy Sauce
To TasteSalt and Pepper
Assortment of Dippers
Shabu Fondue Dips

1. In a large pot over medium heat, warm up the vegetable stock.

2. Add the chopped green onions, ginger, garlic, and chili pepper, and bring to a boil.

3. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for about 30 minutes.

4. Arrange your dippers and dips on serving plates and bowls and keep refrigerated until fondue starts.

5. When you are ready to get started, add soy sauce and salt and pepper to taste.

6. Strain the fondue broth to remove all solid particles.

7. Transfer the broth into your hot pot fondue pot. Keep the extra broth in a pot on the stovetop on low heat to replenish as needed.

8. Light the fondue burner and adjust the heat.

9. Put a piece of vegetable or tofu onto your fondue fork and cook it into the delicious seafood broth.

10. Transfer the cooked dipper onto a regular fork and dip into one of your fondue dips.

11. Enjoy and repeat but no double-dipping!

Shabu Dippers for Vegetable Fondue

There is an enormous variety of dippers that you can use with vegetarian fondue. Some of them are quite hard to put on a fork, so you can also have slotted spoons for your guests to use. Try any of the following and let your imagination guide you towards other unexpected dippers:

  • Sliced Shiitake Mushrooms
  • Green onions
  • Small Squares of Firm Tofu
  • Tomato Wedges
  • Leaves of Dark Green Lettuce
  • Button Mushrooms
  • Assortment of Pre-Made Vegetarian Shabu Dippers From Your Local Asian Grocery Store

Feel free to serve this vegetable fondue dish with a side of rice and/or salad.

The Hot Pot Cooking Set is great for Shabu.

You may also be interested in Seafood Fondue Recipes or this Mushroom Fondue Recipe

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