
Peanut Butter Fondue – Dessert Fondue Recipe

This peanut butter fondue recipe contains peanut butter, obviously… So if you are allergic to peanuts or if any of your guests are allergic to any nuts, do NOT serve this particular fondue. Nowadays, peanut allergies are very common and the effects are really serious. I highly recommend that you

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Marshmallow Fondue Recipe – Caramel Butterscotch Sauce

This marshmallow fondue recipe is all about dipping marshmallows into a caramel butterscotch sauce. It’s delicious and easy to make. Try it out for yourself in your existing chocolate fondue pot or in the Fondue Pot shown on the left. Caramel Butterscotch Fondue 60 ml (1/4 cup) Butter 160 ml

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Manjar Blanco – South American Milk Caramel

This manjar blanco fondue recipe was suggested by Augusto, a fondue fan like me. He describes it as South American milk caramel fondue, aka “Manjar blanco” in Chile, “Dulce de Leche” in Argentina, and he says it probably has similar names elsewhere. I have tried dulce de leche before and

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Recipe Dessert Fondue

This simple fondue recipe is different from the typical recipe dessert fondue options such as chocolate fondue. You can vary the basic recipe below by changing the type of liqueur used. Powdered Sugar Recipe Dessert Fondue 250 ml (1 cup) Powdered Sugar 250 ml (1 cup) Cream, 35% 22 ml

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Fruit Fondue Recipe Strawberry Fondue

This fruit fondue recipe is a nice alternative to your typical dessert fondue recipes. It contains a lot less sugar and fat than your typical chocolate fondue or caramel fondue. It makes for a perfect treat for a cool summer night when you have fresh strawberries at hand. The recipe

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Fruit Fondue Recipe – Blackberry Fondue

This fruit fondue recipe contains blackberries and is a variation on the strawberry fondue recipe. You can explore other possibilities by substituting blackberries by whatever you happen to have in your kitchen tonight. Blackberry and Fruit Fondue 500 ml (2 cups) Fresh or Frozen Blackberries 45 ml (3 tbsp) Sugar

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Fried Ice Cream Cake Fondue Recipe

Do you have something worth celebrating? This fried ice cream cake fondue recipe is delicious (but far from healthy!) To summarize it, you’ll be stuffing cake with ice cream, then freezing it (into individual bite-sized pieces) before deep-frying it in your fondue pot. Sounds decadent? Delicious? Filled with fat, sugar,

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Fondue Recipe Dessert

This marmalade and honey fondue recipe is a great fondue recipe dessert option. It’s easy to make and can be adjusted to meet your needs by picking a different fruit such as strawberry and changing the type of jam and fruit liqueur in the following recipe. Honey Marmalade Fondue 125

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The Best Fondue Desserts

I consider the following two recipes to be the best fondue desserts ever. I’m from Quebec, where maple syrup is something you start eating from a very young age. Be advised that they are both very sweet, but very delicious. The second recipe contains nuts. It’s a very good idea

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Fondue Dessert – Eggnog Fondue

This eggnog fondue dessert can be a great addition to your traditional menu for the holidays. It’s something different from the regular chocolate fondue dessert. If you have lots of eggnog lovers amongst your friends and family, they will appreciate it.   Eggnog Fondue 60 ml (4 tbsp) Cognac 60

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Complete Guides

cast iron fondue pot
red cheese fondue pot
fondue forks

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