Fondue Recipe Dessert

fondue recipe dessert fondue pot

This marmalade and honey fondue recipe is a great fondue recipe dessert option.

It’s easy to make and can be adjusted to meet your needs by picking a different fruit such as strawberry and changing the type of jam and fruit liqueur in the following recipe.

Honey Marmalade Fondue

125 ml(1/2 cup)Butter
250 ml(1 cup)Cream, 35%
60 ml(1/4 cup)Marmalade
60 ml(1/4 cup)Honey
60 ml(1/4 cup)Orange Liqueur
20 ml(4 tsp)Cornstarch
Assortment of Dippers

1. In a small saucepan, melt the butter, cream, marmalade, and honey while stirring constantly.

2. Once these ingredients are fully melted and boiling, reduce the heat.

3. In a separate bowl, mix the cornstarch into the orange liqueur.

4. Add the cornstarch mixture to the saucepan and mix well.

5. Heat and stir the marmalade fondue until it has reached the desired consistency.

6. Pour the content into your chocolate fondue pot

7. Dip bite-sized pieces of various dippers.

8. Enjoy and repeat but no double-dipping!

Fondue Recipe Dessert Dippers

For this honey orange fondue, try some of these dippers:

  • Marshmallows
  • Apple slices
  • Vanilla wafers
  • Pound cake pieces
  • Chocolate pieces
  • Assorted nuts


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