Dessert Fondue Recipe Caramel Squares

dessert fondue recipe with caramel squares

This dessert fondue recipe is easy to make and kids love it.

It takes them quite a while to unwrap all of these caramel squares, and they get the satisfaction of having “cooked something.”

You can control the types of dippers they have and ensure they eat their servings of fruit for that day.


Caramel Square Fondue

40Caramel Squares (like these or Kraft caramels work great!)
60 ml(1/4 cup)Whipping Cream
2 ml(1/2 tsp)Vanilla
Assortment of Caramel Dippers

1. Unwrap all of the caramel squares and put in a small saucepan.

2. Add the whipping cream to the saucepan.

3. On low heat, melt the caramel with the cream while stirring constantly.

4. Add the vanilla.

5. Pour the mixture into a warm fondue pot.

6. Dip bite-sized pieces of various dippers.

7. Enjoy and repeat but no double-dipping!

Note: If your kids are young, you can use the fondue as a sauce on top of a sundae, or pour it on the fruit of your choice in a small bowl.

Caramel Square Fondue Dippers

Most fruits make excellent dippers for caramel fondue. Your kids will love these:

  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Grapes
  • Cherries, whole
  • Apple slices

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