Fondue Dinner – Fondue, Friends and a Fabulous Evening At The Beach

Will’s Delicious Fondue Dinner

red fondue pot for chicken broth fondue recipe

Here is another fabulous fondue dinner story from Will.

If you’re lucky enough to go to a beach villa, why not try to duplicate his experience and have chicken fondue while watching the sunset?

It certainly sounds like he had lots of fun!

Thanks Will for sharing your fondue dinner story with other fondue fans!

Fondue, Friends, and a Fabulous Evening…
at the Beach

Last summer, near the end of September here on the southeast coast of the US, my wife and I decided to take a long weekend at the beach with some friends. This time of year is called the “dog days” of summer because it’s still very hot, but the Fall and the change of season is just around the corner. You can tell when you wake up in the morning and find dew on the grass from a cool evening. It’s a really nice time of year to take a short vacation at the beach because the crowds have generally thinned and the kids have gone back to school.

After a couple of nights of seafood buffets and one barbeque on the deck of our beach cottage, we decided to try something different. My wife thought that a fondue dinner would be a fun option for all of us. Everyone in the group is pretty health-conscious and we all like to eat low-fat foods. So after stuffing our faces at an all-you-can-eat buffet the night before, we decided a healthier alternative would be the way to go.

My wife found this website a while back when she was looking for a fondue recipe for just the two of us. She remembered reading about a delicious sounding chicken broth recipe. So I fired up the laptop (Yes I brought this with me on vacation, unfortunately, it seems like the office never sleeps.) and got to work preparing this fabulous recipe.

Making chicken fondue basically consists of boiling raw precut chicken cubes or slices in a broth for a couple of minutes. The broth gives the chicken a rich flavor and is very light and healthy. After the chicken is done, you pull it out of the fondue pot and then dip it in a fondue sauce. This site recommends using about 3 different sauces to get some variety. There are a lot listed here, so we picked 3 that sounded really tasty.

But first up was preparing the chicken broth. I don’t need to go into detail on this because you can read all about how to prepare the broth and what ingredients to use in this chicken broth fondue article.

Next up were the fondue dips and the 3 that we chose were the honey mustard dip, the garlic lemon dip, and the tomato and ginger sauce. These were all pretty easy to prepare and really didn’t take much time at all. It was recommended that we let the honey mustard dip chill for a day, but unfortunately, we only had a couple of hours. It still tasted pretty good though.

We also added some crunchy vegetables to dip as well. Crunchy veggies work better because they are easy to stab with the fondue sticks and they are less likely to fall off in the fondue pot. So we went with broccoli instead of spinach and added carrots and asparagus. And of course, we topped the whole thing off with a couple of nice bottles of red wine.

For dessert, we decided to try something a little different. As a bit of a twist, we decided to blend up some dessert smoothies with fruit. (Think chocolate-covered strawberries.) The smoothie we decided on included 2 cups of strawberries, 1 whole banana, 2 cups of low-fat chocolate ice cream, 3 tablespoons of chocolate syrup, and a half cup of walnuts. Making it was a snap. We just threw everything into the blender and ran it for about a minute. What a delicious smoothie and a fantastic way to top off our healthy chicken fondue meal.

The one thing about a fondue meal is that it seems to generate more lively interaction between everyone. Instead of just hovering over your own plate and chowing down, you are reaching around dipping foods into the fondue and commenting on each new thing you try. It really is a lot of fun.

All in all, it was a delicious fondue meal. You also couldn’t beat the setting, eating outside on the deck of our cottage and listening to the sound of the crashing waves and laughing with great friends.


You too can share your fondue experience!

I’ve created a page where you can submit your fondue cooking experience. I’d really love to hear about which recipe you chose, which dippers and sauces you enjoyed and anything else you think would be helpful to other fondue fans.

Post your fondue experience here

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