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Oil Fried Scallops

Oil Fried Scallops

Oil Fried Scallops

This recipe for oil fried scallops was shared by Breau from Canada.

It would be a great addition to your next hot oil fondue, especially if none of your guests are allergic to seafood.

Always check if your guests have any allergies before planning your fondue menu.

Scallops Oil Fondue

1 lb scallops
1 cup milk
1/2 cup flour
2 eggs
1/2 cup Ritz crackers
peanut oil


1- soak scallops in milk for 1 hour
2- Coat them in flour
3- Dip beaten eggs
4- Roll in finely crushed Ritz crackers
5- Deep fry them in hot oil
6- Let them cool before eating


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