Gourmet Chocolate Fondue Recipe – Chocolate Fondue Lovers

gourmet chococolate fondue recipe for chocolate fondue lovers

This gourmet chocolate fondue recipe is perfect for those who love chocolate AND coffee.

You can use fresh fruit as dippers or try bits of cake, doughnuts, cookies, and whatever else you want to experiment with…

I know you’ll love this fantastic chocolate fondue sauce.

Why not pour it over coffee ice cream if you can’t get enough coffee flavor!

Easy Chocolate Recipe

0.25 kg(1/2 lb)Dark Chocolate
125 ml(1/2 cup)Black Coffee, Strong
60 ml(4 tbsp)Light Cream
60 ml(4 tbsp)Bailey’s or Other Liqueur
2 ml(1/2 tsp)Cinnamon
2 ml(1/2 tsp)Nutmeg
Fresh Fruit as Dippers

1. In a pot over low heat, break up the dark chocolate and melt with the coffee.

2. Stir until melted and smooth.

3. Gradually add pre-heated cream, Bailey’s, cinnamon, and nutmeg and keep stirring.

4. Once all the ingredients are warmed up and well mixed, transfer the mixture into your chocolate fondue pot.

5. If your mixture is too thick, add more coffee, cream, or Bailey’s but make sure to taste it before deciding… If the mixture is too runny, add more chocolate.

6. Light the unscented candle.

7. Put a bite-sized piece of fruit or dessert onto a fondue fork and dip it into the hot chocolate fondue sauce.

8. Enjoy and repeat but no double-dipping!

If you can’t get enough chocolate fondue, you may want to consider getting the chocolate fondue set shown at the top of this page. It’s cute and very practical with the tray to hold your dippers.

Fondue Dippers

Try pieces of fruit or dessert with this gourmet coffee recipe:

  • apple slices
  • biscotti
  • cashews
  • macaroons
  • pieces of Coffee Crisp chocolate bars
  • vanilla wafers

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