Easy Fondue Recipe – Easy Chocolate Fondue – Perfect Dessert Fondue

This easy fondue recipe is easy to make.

You can pretty much choose any type of chocolate to make it, but the higher quality chocolate will taste better.

You can use semi-sweet chocolate chips or even Aero chocolate bars.

If you don’t have triple sec at home, feel free to improvise and replace it with the liqueur of your choice or vanilla if you want an alcohol-free chocolate fondue recipe.

Easy Fondue Recipe

190 to 250 ml(3/4 to 1 cup)35% Cream
0.3 kg(10 oz)Semi-Sweet Chocolate
5 ml(1 tsp)Triple Sec
Pieces of Fresh Fruit or Dessert as Dippers
pot for easy fondue recipe

1. In a double-boiler over low heat, warm up 190 ml (3/4 cup) of cream (don’t let it boil).

2. Gradually add the chocolate, one handful at a time, and keep stirring while the chocolate melts.

3. Add the triple sec and keep stirring.

4. If your mixture is too thick, add more hot liqueur or cream. If the mixture is too runny, add more chocolate.

5. Once all the ingredients are warmed up and well mixed, transfer the dessert fondue into your chocolate fondue pot.

6. Light the candle.

7. Put a dipper on a skewer or fondue fork and dip it into the hot chocolate fondue.

8. Enjoy and repeat.

Dippers for Chocolate Fondue

If you are looking for inspiration when it comes to dippers, feel free to experiment with the following:

  • Strawberries
  • Cherries
  • Chunks of Pineapple
  • Vanilla Wafers
  • Coconut Macaroons
  • Slices of Apples

Find another easy fondue recipe that contains chocolate here.

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